Apr 09 2022

The Hydra

  • USA (USA)
  • Off-Road Running
  • Spacer
  • Solo
  • Spacer
  • One Day Event
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Length: 50 km
Website: runsignup.com

According to Greek mythology, the Hydra is a monstrous, snake-like creature with multiple heads, one of which is immortal.  If a warrior manages to cut off one of these heads, two more will grow back in its place.

Rumor has it that the Hydra has been seen roaming the trails of Brunswick Nature Park, keeping a close eye on his treasure, ready to challenge any trespassers who dare to come searching for his riches.  So...are you ready for an adventure?

The Ultra Running Guys bring you a new unique race experience where your mission is to conquer the 5 heads of the Hydra and collect the treasure that is protected by each.

There will be an individual event and a team relay event (up to 5 runners), and the objective is to complete each of 5 separate loops, scoop up the gems that await on each loop, and return the treasure to your treasure chest for safe keeping.

The 5 loops will be varying lengths of approx 5-7 miles, for a combined total course distance of 31ish miles (50Kish).

But here's the twist: you get to pick the order in which you run the loops. That’s right. You get to choose your own adventure.  All 5 loops will need to be completed, but the order is up to you.

Chances are that you will have no idea who is in first place or last place because other runners may or may not be running the same loop as you. The first runner / team to successfully collect all the treasure is the victor, aka The Hydra Slayer(s).

Are you ready to take on The Hydra?


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