The Frigid Infliction is a winter adventure race, sending fearless adventurers skiing and snowshoeing through the deep stuff since 2006.
The next race is scheduled for Saturday, March 2nd 2019 near Bolton Valley, VT. Expect a 10-hour challenge for teams of 2-3 racers. The race will feature several winter disciplines as well as requiring you to continually navigate. If you have never done an adventure race before, this can be a great choice. This was the first adventure race for about a third of the participants the past six years, so don’t be intimidated! That said: You may want to Test Your Nettle if you’re not sure about a 10-hour event.
Teams do not need support crews for this event. Outside of what is provided by the race organizers, teams must be self-sufficient. This is an adventure, after all!
Check out some of our past racers’ comments. If you’re looking for teammates, check our contact page for suggestions.