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Submission Guidelines is the best read and most active website for adventure racing and endurance sports on the planet. We publish hundreds of stories a year and yours can be featured ... if you send it to us.

Your race will need to be on our events calendar to be considered. (There are exceptions, but its best to be sure you are listed before sending us anything). It is free and easy to list your event and puts your logo and social media link alongside everything we publish about your event.

Here's What We Need to Receive From You

Race Reports : We're happy to receive official race reports and those from competitors giving a first-hand account. Anything up t0 1500 words (maybe a little more if it's a great read).
- We will need some photos separately with a report to use it (see below).
- We will only publish race reports for events listed on our calendar
- Submissions are best in text formats or the email body (NOT PDF please).
- Don't embed photos into Word documents – we just want plain text.
- The author should be clearly credited (and have given permission), and any affiliation explained. (i.e. if you are the Race Director and sending an official report on your own event).

News Articles : These are shorter (min 300 words and max 1000 words) and not necessarily related to an on-going event.
- We do occasionally publish news on an event not listed on our calendar, but will need to know the country it relates to and the sports disciplines involved. (If it is not sports or country specific we can still publish so please ask).
- Submissions should be made as for Race Reports (see above) with photos (see below).

Videos : We don't host videos ourselves so please don't send footage to us directly.
- We publish embedded videos from Youtube, Facebook & Vimeo. (Facebook videos must be set to sharing with all and not restricted).
- Send us the link along with a photo and a brief description including production credits.

Photos : We need photos with all submissions. No photos – no publish!
- Send a choice of good quality images separately with any submission, but don't embed images into documents.
- Images should be landscape format and larger than 550 pixels wide. (Not over 2mb please).
- The more choice the better and great photo sets can be featured on our social media pages.
- Dropbox and Drive links are fine.
- Please include captions and credits.
- DON'T send us any photos you don't have the rights to use.

We endeavour to read and respond to all submissions but can't guarantee this or that we will publish everything we are sent.

We reserve the right to edit all submissions before publishing.

Rob Howard
Editor in Chief


AR Discussion Group

Our Patrons

AR World Series

SleepMonsters Patreon

Thank you to all our

adventure racing


AR World Series

Thomas Proulx

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Adventure Race Croatia

Warrior Adventure Racing

Brian Gatens

Chris Dixon

Rootstock Racing

-- -- --

Adventure Enablers

Ajita Madan

Chipp Dodd

Celia Nash

David Ellis

Erik Sanders

Graham Bird

Jakub Malik

Josh Hayman

Liam St Pierre

Magnus Foss

Marijn Edelenbosch

Nicola MacLeod

Possum Jump Adventures

Robert Rulison

Strong Machine AR

Your Adventure Maps

-- -- --

Adrian Crane

Barbara Campbell

Dejna Odvody

Ivan Park

Klaus Mygind

Lars Bukkehave

Marco Ponteri

Maria Leijerstam

Nigel Davison

Rob Horton

Semyon Yakimov