May 31 2019

The Beast

  • Ireland (IRL)
  • Off-Road Running
  • Off-Road Cycling
  • Paddling
  • Navigation
  • Open Water Swimming
  • Other Disciplines
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  • Multi Day Event
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Length: 48 hours
Location: North West Ireland
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Prepare to meet your demons during this event designed to push each team to their limits. Are you tough enough?

The Beast is a hard one to try keep contained, and while last year’s race showed us some spectacular parts of the north west and the rugged wilderness of  County Donegal, the Beast is once again on the move in search of even more new challenging terrain and impressive surroundings, but with so much more to offer you can guarantee we’ll be back in Donegal again very soon.

This time out the Beast has dragged his Beasties out to scout the amazing and unspoiled areas surrounding County Sligo. With so many nearby counties, variety of terrain and hidden gems the planning team have had a hard time trying to contain the race to just 48 hours. This is one race you definitely don’t want to miss.

The team who brought you the European Adventure racing finals in 2015 is back together to bring you one of Europe’s finest expedition adventure races. 2019 will again see the Beast line up as part of the AR European Series 2019.

The Beast Adventure Race is run entirely by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis with all proceeds going towards event running costs and further promotion of adventure racing in Ireland. The Beast Team is made up of enthusiastic volunteers who are keen to run the toughest but most rewarding adventure race in the country as well as showcasing Ireland as it has never been seen before to both participants and supporters on the course and online throughout the world.

Sign up today for this extreme challenge and experience one of Europe’s top Adventure Races.


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