The 2020 edition of the XPD Expedition Race is themed “Rivers of Gold”. From the 18-25 July adventure racing teams from Australia and around the world will step back in time to follow the legendary 1870s Cape York gold rush of the Palmer and Hodgkinson Rivers.
After starting on the Great Barrier Reef, teams will come ashore and be confronted by the formidable Daintree Rainforest. They will journey through boulder-strewn rivers, lush rainforest, and misty waterfalls, to cross the Great Dividing Range at over 1,000+m in altitude.
Flowing West to the Gulf of Carpentaria are the remote Outback Australian “Rivers of Gold”. Bold teams will paddle these flowing and turbulent waters, mountain bike vast open spaces and hike over ancient landscapes, in search of the ultimate but elusive… XPD Gold!