May 21 2023

Cape Wrath Ultra

  • UK (GBR)
  • Off-Road Running
  • Solo
  • Multi Day Event
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Length: 400 km
Location: Scotland - North West Highlands

The Cape Wrath Ultra is an eight day, 400km running adventure through the Scottish Highlands, leading to the north westerly point of the British Isles. Participants travel through some of Scotland’s most spectacular landscapes, including Knoydart, Kintail, Torridon, Assynt and Sutherland. In 2023, for the first time, runners can choose the option of entering the ‘Explorer’ event, pitched as a ‘choose-your-own adventure’ in which participants can decide to tackle part of the route each day, typically either the first half or the second half. Race organisers have built in flexibility so that runners can mix and match which half they attempt on any given day. Each participant will still benefit from the full race infrastructure and experience, including the overnight camps and the finishing line at Cape Wrath Lighthouse.

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