Nov 26 2023

Capital to Country Multi Day Ultra

  • Nepal (NPL)
  • Off-Road Running
  • Solo
  • Multi Day Event
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Run through the mesmerising Nepalese foothills with the mountains as your backdrop, and immerse yourself in the local culture of Nepal.  This is a self sufficient race until the end of Day five, you will be carrying all your own food and kit so choose wisely!

Your adventure starts with an early morning visit to the World Heritage Site of the Monkey Temple or Swayambhunath in the west of Kathmandu City. Here you will warm up with the locals before returning to the hotel for breakfast and the bus ride to Sanku.

The historic ancient town of Sanku in the north eastern corner of Kathmandu valley, will be our starting point for the epic journey through the spectacular Nepalese foothills.  Following jeep tracks cut in to the hillsides, incredible tree covered hills and breathtaking drops, your journey will take you through a diverse mixture of towns and villages and into areas that tourists don’t normally get to see.   Expect a warm welcome and some jaw dropping temples and holy sites.  Panoramas of lush vegetation and snow-capped peaks in the distance are more than worth the challenging ascents!

Staying in pre prepared campsites for the first 3 nights, and then the relative luxury of the village bunk house/tents on nights 4 and 5.  On the morning of day 5, you will be awoken by the sound of the chanting monk who will be blessing the mountains and the runners – you will be itching to complete the challenge of the final day before the traditional evening meal, cooked by the local ladies in the village.

Throughout your adventure you will be taken care of by our  fantastic local race manager and his team who literally know the area like the back of their hands.  This challenge will give you an incredible insight into the Nepalese culture.

We’ll finish with a short down hill walk to the bus and some time to explore Kathmandu before our farewell meal − the perfect end after an epic adventure!

We are taking only a small team with us from England and equipment (trackers) that we can’t source within the country – everything else is bought locally and we are paying our local team well so we giveback to Nepal in a positive way.


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