The concept is simple, and so are the organics and operation.
At 10 am, in continental Portugal, we will give a first start to all participants for a fixed circuit of 6,706 meters and approximately 135D+. By the 24th hour of racing, the active participants had completed 160.9km, the mythical 100 miles.
Then, and every hour, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, and so on, a new start “shot” is given to all participants who have completed the distance within the regulated 60 minutes. This will be repeated again and again until there are two participants able to complete that distance within the hour.
The national record stands at 36 laps and the world record at 101.
The winner will be the last one to complete the lap, and all others considered DNF.
Welcome to Horizons Backyard Ultra.