GODzone Adventure - Chapter 4

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Australian Team Ready for Godzone

News Release / 25.02.2015See All Event Posts Follow Event
Team Sheepgate
Team Sheepgate

West Australian adventure racers Tim Sikma, Janet Musker, Grant Pepper and Helke Melville also know as team Sheepgate will compete in the aptly named Godzone Adventure Race in the spectacular wilderness of New Zealand’s Southern Alps near Wanaka starting this Saturday (28 Feb.)

The team name Sheepgate is a lighthearted dig at the professional team Seagate who are one of the worlds leading teams and the favorites to win the race.

The West Australian team has had limited opportunities to practice some of the skills required during the race. Grant Pepper has been aerating his lawn using his crampons but has had little chance to use the ice axe he will need when climbing some of the snow covered peaks in the stunning Mount Aspiring National Park.

Helke Melville who will be racing in her first multi day adventure race is hoping for plenty of long canoeing sections but is a bit concerned about some of the technical rope work that may be required in the mountains.

The good-humored team is hoping for a top 20 finish. “We want to go as hard and we can and finish the long course” said Janet Musker “and we want Janet to realise her full potential” Grant Pepper adds jokingly.

Throughout the race the teams will be wearing GPS trackers both as a safety precaution but also to enable supporters and family to follow their progress.

You can follow the race on the live website at http://godzoneadventure.com/ and here in SleepMonsters.


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