Adventure Racing World Series Announces Canada as the 2025 World Champs Destination

Press Release / 06.11.2023
John Ford and Lyndie Seddon Hill with Stephan and Heidi Muller
John Ford and Lyndie Seddon Hill with Stephan and Heidi Muller / © AR World Series

After the recent announcement of their new, heavy hitting organizing team, Expedition Canada has officially released their next big news.  

At the awards ceremony for World Championships in Expedition Africa, the announcement was made that Canada will be the host of the World Championships of Adventure Racing in 2025.  

Race Director John Ford and event owner Lyndie Seddon Hill were in attendance in South Africa to experience the action and take part in the official announcement. 

“I am incredibly honored and humbled to take the lead in Canada, and to be supported by the exceptional team we have with professional course designers Brian Finestone, Alex Man and Kevin Hodder, the risk management expertise of Brad Baumber, and Lyndie’s amazing team at Hoodoo Adventures.” says Race Director, John Ford.

“While each brings their individual knowledge, personal achievements and passion for the sport of adventure racing, their collective experience is unparalleled.”

Ford goes on to explain, “The course will bring together our Canadian culture and our diverse landscapes, encompassing majestic alpine, lush forest and pristine waterways. We want to create a truly memorable and exhilarating experience for racers.” 

World champs 2025 will take place in Western Canada in British Columbia, with the host City in the interior of the province in Penticton, BC, the course promises to cover the most stunning, diverse and challenging areas of the province. 

“We cannot be more thrilled to bring this event to Canada.  The spirit of adventure, the awareness, and the opportunity that an event of this scale can create in our communities is unmeasurable. “ shares Lyndie Hill, owner of Expedition Canada.

“Taking part in this year's World Champs in South Africa has opened my eyes to the endless potential of this race.  It’s not only the economic benefit that will come with it, it’s the way it inspires youth, and people of all ages, to connect with each other and the earth, to embrace their potential, to push themselves. If we think Ironman is inspiring, wait until you experience this event. It is teeming in culture and community. I firmly believe it’s exactly what we as a country need right now, something positive to focus on, something to make us proud to be Canadian. That is our goal with this event. That is exactly what we will strive for.”

With some of the most stunning terrain on earth, Canada is a Mecca for adventure racing, and it will have been 20 years since the last world champs was hosted in the country.  

"We are very excited to be organizing a World Championship event in North America. It's time. It has been many years since we have had a World Champs in that part of the World. Adventure Racing World Series has gotten to the place where we have covered Europe, Africa, Asia and South America, and now to take it to Canada and have an all Canadian team of Race organizers, we can't be happier." expresses Heidi Muller, owner of the Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS).

"ARWS is ecstatic about the new team Expedition Canada have built, and we are confident that they will put on an amazing event with us, and it will be executed professionally." she adds. "In 2 years time, with the advancement in technology and media, we can really take adventure racing to the next level. We know that this Canadian organizing team is very driven towards media, and awareness and growth of the sport. It's fitting and it's time for Canada to shine on this world stage. I wish them all the best as they get ready for 2025 and know that they will help this sport excel into the future."

The World Championship race is tentatively scheduled for Sept 22nd to Oct. 6th, 2025. In the coming months, Expedition Canada will also be supporting other Canadian adventure races as part of the ARWS North American Series. The Series will highlight races of different durations, from across the country, throughout 2024 and 2025. The goal of this series will be to help Canadian teams build towards an Expedition length race, to assist in the long term growth of the sport and to ensure a good representation of Canadian teams at World Champs 2025 and beyond.​

Click here to express your interest in participating in the 2025 World Champs!

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