International Raid Temiscamingue

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The International Temiscamingue Raid Returns in September 2024

Press Release / 09.11.2023See All Event Posts Follow Event
Canoe stage at Raid Temiscamingue
Canoe stage at Raid Temiscamingue / © Carrick Armer

Barely two months after the resounding success of the 2nd edition, the Société de développement and the MRC have confirmed the return of the International Temiscamingue Raid, from September 5 to 8, 2024.  The race will once again be part of the Adventure Racing World Series and teams can apply for one of the limited places from now until Jan 15th.

The Temiscamingue region is renewing for a third time its alliance with Endurance Aventure, a Quebec firm whose expertise in the management and broadcasting of outdoor sporting events is recognized worldwide.

The International Temiscamingue Raid is the first stage event to be part of the Adventure Race Word Series, an international series that specializes in adventure races and which brings together the best endurance athletes in the world.  Last September, athletes from Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Finland and Canada and seven local teams from Temiscamingue participated in the Raid Témiscamingue.

Fans of thrills, adrenaline and wild landscapes will be amazed by an extraordinary route in the heart of the forest and on the bodies of water in the North Temiscam region and more specifically in the municipalities of Rémigny, Guérin, Notre-Dame Dame-du-Nord and St-Bruno-de-Guigues.

The return of the Raid Temiscamingue in 2024 confirms the close collaboration with local businesses and organizations as well as Anishnabeg communities, in order to showcase them across the globe.

Registration Process

The enthusiasm of athletes for the 2023 edition has far exceeded the expectations of promoters. Faced with this marked interest, a selection process will be established. “In order to secure a place among the 25 teams of the third edition, the pairs of athletes will have to complete an application and demonstrate their abilities and skills to take on this challenge.” said Jean-Thomas Boily, operations director at Endurance Aventure.

To register, visit the Temiscamingue International Raid website.  Registration is now open and will close on January 15, 2024.

Develop Outdoor Youth Culture

On Friday, September 6, 2024, 50 teams made up of two young people aged between 13 and 17 will have to demonstrate perseverance and exceed their limits, by completing a course of around twenty km.  Once again, each youth duo will be accompanied by an adult athlete participating in the professional raid.

About the Temiscamingue International Raid

The Raid Témiscamingue is a spectacular race organized by the Société de développement du Témiscamingue, the MRC de Témiscamingue and Endurance Aventure in collaboration with around twenty regional organizations.

This endurance race is made up of a series of events combining trekking, swimming, mountain biking, canoeing and ropes sections. The third edition of the race will be held from September 5 to 8, 2024 where 25 teams from the region and around the world will compete on a 170 km course in the northern region of Temiscamingue.

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