International Raid Temiscamingue

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Win One Of Two Free Spots At The 2024 Témiscamingue International Raid

Press Release / 11.02.2024See All Event Posts Follow Event
Zip line the Raid Témiscamingue in Quebec Canada
Zip line the Raid Témiscamingue in Quebec Canada / © Carrick Armer

Raid Témiscamingue is looking for two international teams to participate in th race, which will be held in from September 5 to 8, 2024. They are offering free registration, two plane tickets and accommodation for five days. A dream opportunity for all adventure buffs!

The goal is to have two international ambassador teams who will bring this event to life from the inside. Teams will be selected based on their social involvement in their respective communities, to highlight this aspect.  The race wants you to be followed by a media outlet in your country to showcase the winners through the event.  If you are a reporting team, or if you create a lot of content on the web, social networks or make videos, then send your application now to The winner will be selected by a race jury.

About the Race

To participate is to create memories, experience something completely different and rise to the challenge. You will confront strong emotions as the demands take you beyond your wildest dreams.

The Témiscamingue International Raid has three phases on a breathtaking course. A total of 30 teams, from the region and from all over the world, will be on the start line. Teams will compete for 170 kilometers by way of trail running, trekking, mountain biking, canoeing, adventure swimming, rope sections and must navigate it all by map and compass in a maximum time of 28 hours.  

In addition to being on the magnificent territory of the Anishinaabe Nation, racers will have access to a multitude of lakes and rivers on a dream course. Many surprises will present themselves as the challenge evolves. The event setting is a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and lovers of wide-open spaces, with no less than 7500 lakes and rivers. The diversity of fauna and the quality of its natural landscapes are perfect for recreational tourism activities.

For information about the race see

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