Guerreiros Naventura Opens the New ARWS Brazil Series

Press Release / 02.04.2024

The first race of the ARWS Brasil Series, Guerreiros Naventura, marked the exciting start of the series, combining technical and strategic challenges in a dynamic and beautiful setting that reflected the welcoming and resilient nature of the North Eastern people.

With a duration of 26 hours, the competition tested the participants' endurance on a breathtaking course, culminating in the thrilling arrival of the champions after 20 hours of intense competition. The race involved disciplines such as Packraft Canoeing, Swimming, Mountain Biking, Ropes and Trekking, rewarding teams with the highest number of CPs and the shortest time.

The event began in a touristy and historic neighborhood of Maceió, providing a fascinating contrast between stunning beaches and ancient abandoned buildings. At the start of the race, teams were challenged to carry their packrafts for the first open-water canoeing stage. Additionally, a swimming and ropes stage was included before the competition continued, alternating between trekking and mountain biking throughout the day and night.

This variety of challenges provided an exciting and diverse experience for participants, testing their skills in different scenarios and conditions. From the beginning, the competition was fierce, with teams battling for the lead until the end, with minimal differences of only 15 minutes between them. Strategy played a crucial role, especially on the technical treks, where difficult checkpoints were not mandatory but essential for the final score, challenging teams to make strategic decisions about which CPs to pursue. Meanwhile, bike sections, with mandatory and sequential CPs, provided fluidity to the race, demanding agility and endurance from participants.

The local team Superpatos claimed first place, demonstrating their adaptation to the region and technical skills, closely followed by Terra de Santa Cruz in second place and BOA in third. Terra de Santa Cruz faced a journey of ups and downs, recovering with determination after a challenging start and achieving an impressive second place.

The teams' reports reveal the spirit of struggle and camaraderie that permeated the competition. Team BOA described the race as a "hard hit," acknowledging the technical challenges and adverse conditions. Both expressed their gratitude to the race organization and congratulated Superpatos for their well-deserved first place.

The success of Guerreiros Naventura was the result of the effort and dedication of the race director, Paulo Omena, and his team, who welcomed the participants with warm hospitality and ensured the event's success. Togumi from AdventureMag was present to ensure comprehensive photographic coverage of the event, while Samuel J. Eloy followed the race from a distance, editing videos captured by the local team and creating artwork for promotion, thus sharing the experience with the global community.

We thank the supporters, local brands, and public bodies that contributed to making the event possible, bringing the sport to the people of Alagoas and putting the name of Maceió, the Northeast, and its people on the international stage. We congratulate Paulo for his effort, dedication, and success in promoting adventure racing, enabling more people to participate and enjoy this sport, highlighting Brazil's potential as a destination for adventure racing events.

With the first stage successfully completed, we now eagerly await the next three stages of the ARWS Brasil Series, with the Haka Expedition team ready to welcome competitors and make 2024 an epic year for adventure racing in Brazil.

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