2004 Adventure Racing World Championship, hosted by Raid the North Extreme

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The final few

Susan McKenzie / 07.08.2004See All Event Posts Follow Event
Matthew leads the teams to the finish line (Photo by Rahoul Ghose)
Matthew leads the teams to the finish line (Photo by Rahoul Ghose)
It’s all over but the shouting, and odds are there will likely be lots of shouting at the after-race party this evening. The last teams have crossed the finish line and the second edition of the Adventure Racing World Championship, hosted by Raid the North Extreme, is one for the record books. The site of next year’s ARWC will be announced at tonight\'s ceremony (watch this space).

Yesterday, a flurry of teams crossed the finish line in late afternoon, almost forty-eight hours after the winners. Several of the latter were at the finish line for the former.

“I can’t believe Ian Adamson and Nike cycled down from Corner Brook to watch us finish,� said Team Newfoundland and Labrador’s Wendy Powell.

The Sleepmonsters.com crew was paying particular attention to gearsracing.com’s progress across the course. Gearsracing.com’s provided the truck that helped power the web crew across the course, so we made sure we were there at the finish line. After a slow start, the Canadian team really picked up the pace on the last day and powered across the finish line just past four o’clock yesterday afternoon.

“Yeah, we finally got our race together,� says Kevin Wallace. “We really felt like we were actually racing today.�

From the canoe takeout, the finish line was just a short bike ride away. It didn\'t require major navigation, but you still had to pay attention. Teams at the back didn\'t have to worry about that, since they were guided from the canoes to the finish by a young Newfoundlander named Mathew who cycled them to the finish.

Not long after the Canadians, the French team EADS pedaled to the finish. Its members barely had time to get off their bikes before dirtworld.com showed up. The finish line went bilingual for a bit, as the French from EADS congratulated the French members of the American based racing team.

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