Women Only Adventure Race

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The Inclusive Triumph of the Women-Only Adventure Race

Press Release / 21.11.2023See All Event Posts Follow Event
Taking part in the Women Only Adventure Race
Taking part in the Women Only Adventure Race / © AJ Events

In the dynamic world of adventure racing, last weekend, the Women Only Adventure Race emerged as a resounding testament to inclusivity, captivating over 220 women in a thrilling race across the picturesque landscape of Victoria, Australia. This groundbreaking event has redefined the adventure racing landscape and created a haven where women can revel in the thrill of adventure within a safe and welcoming environment.

The race kicked off with teams starting in three waves, offering options to compete on either Saturday or Sunday. Meticulously designed to accommodate a diverse field of participants, this strategic approach ensured a seamless race flow, fostering fair competition. The carefully curated course unfolded across four distinct legs, promising an all-encompassing adventure that caters to seasoned racers while remaining accessible and manageable for newcomers.

The Adventure Unfolds: A Multi-Leg Journey

From navigating waters in kayaks, setting the tone for a day filled with challenges and triumphs, to running across diverse terrains, the second leg, and engaging in a heart-pounding mountain biking leg that tested both endurance and skill, the Women Only Adventure Race proved to be a thrilling and multi-faceted experience. Nestled within the heart of Lysterfield Park, home to the Commonwealth Games and Melbourne's cherished adventure playground, the course wove through a breathtaking lake surrounded by natural bushland and exciting trails, ranging from challenging black trails to accessible 4WD tracks.

As racers entered the final stretch, they embraced an orienteering leg armed with a map provided just before the challenge, navigating through a course intricately defined by control points. In total, participants sought out 19 checkpoints, adding an element of strategy that encouraged teamwork as teams collaboratively deciphered the route to success.

Race Against Time: From Start to Smiles at the Finish Line

For the swiftest teams, the entire journey clocked in at just under two hours, a testament to their agility and determination. Team Lonedoggers, including Goele and Belinda, celebrated their triumph, embodying the spirit of the race where challenges were faced and conquered together.

On the other end of the spectrum, the slowest team surpassed the four-hour mark, emphasising the Women Only Adventure Race's commitment to inclusivity, fostering an environment where diverse fitness levels could thrive rather than focusing solely on speed.

What truly set this race apart was the infectious joy radiating from every participant as they crossed the finish line. Smiles, laughter, and a shared sense of accomplishment permeated the air, reinforcing that the journey was as important as the destination.

The finishers' medals, radiant symbols of achievement, were met with enthusiastic applause and heartfelt smiles from the participants. Post-race celebrations unfolded, creating a canvas of joy and camaraderie, marking the end of a race and the birth of enduring memories and newfound friendships.

Celebrating the Journey: Voices of Adventure Racers

Kathryn Morland, a seasoned adventurer with over a decade of experience in races like Eco-Challenge, shared her delight: “Great day out at Women Only Adventure Race today! It was great to see familiar faces and make new friends. I really loved the supportive AR community vibe today… and the good weather.”

Race coordinator Maria Plyashechko expressed, “Organizing this incredible event is an absolute honour, providing us with the opportunity to create a special space for women in the exhilarating world of adventure racing. It's a challenging sport to step into, and we take pride in making it accessible and inviting. This event is not just a race; it's about fostering a community where women can thrive, challenge themselves, and revel in the joy of shared achievement.”

The invaluable support of the Victorian government played a pivotal role in elevating this event to new heights. Their commitment and assistance were instrumental in realising the vision of a Women Only Adventure Race, providing the necessary resources that made this empowering experience possible for participants from all walks of life.

A Legacy of Inclusion and Empowerment

As the sun set on the Women-Only Adventure Race, it left a legacy of inclusion and empowerment in its wake. More than just a race, it became a celebration of women embracing challenges, conquering fears, and fostering a community that thrives on collective achievement. The echoes of this event will undoubtedly resonate far beyond the finish line, inspiring women to embark on their own adventures, both within and outside the racecourse.


For detailed results, visit the event website: womensadventurerace.com.au

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