GODzone Adventure - Chapter 4

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Introducing Team Next Generation

Tim Farrant / 18.02.2015See All Event Posts Follow Event
Team Next Generation
Team Next Generation
One of the youngest teams at the Godzone Adventure Race this year will be Next Generation, but with a successful Godzone already behind them the team have high expectations. Here team Captain Tim Farrant introduces the team; 
The team came together for the first time at last year's GODZone AR, but for a young team we've got a wealth of experience with 12 multi-day adventure races and approximately 40 shorter (i.e. 24hr) races under our belts.  Last year we really enjoyed the race, winning the Under 25 'colts' category and finishing 8th overall.  It was a fantastic experience that we are looking to repeat.
Warren Bates (GZ Event Director) often speaks of adventure racing events being dominated by age and experience.  Obviously as a young team we are lacking in age, whilst many of our competition have lots of age (some arguably more than they could ever use!), but we have worked hard to compensate with our experience. 
Funding the race has also been a challenge, and to get there we organised the "Next Generation Adventure Race" a 12/6hr adventure race in Canterbury, New Zealand.  Support for the race was high and we managed to cover the full GODZone entry from the proceeds.
This year we have a new challenge, with teammate Emily Wilson being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes only a few months ago.  Managing this, along with the challenges of a multi-day race will be a big challenge for our team, particularly as Emily has always been a pillar of support, but will now need the team to support her.
You can find out more about the team at :https://www.facebook.com/nextgenerationyouthadventure, or on the team website at http://canterburyrogaine.com/AboutUs.aspx


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