The Nomad - Cory Wallace


Cory Wallace loves to combine adventure, racing and travel. The two-time Canadian Marathon winner and four-time 24hr World Champion has spent the last 16 years chasing all kinds of crazy races around the world, from Mongolia to Nepal, from Australia to Italy, and everywhere in between.

A bike adventurer through and through, Cory also has a heart of gold. He weaves humanitarian efforts into everything he does, fundraising for meals and helping Nepalese cyclists raise money for a training center, as well as inspiring kids to get a taste for riding bikes wherever he travels.

In mid-February Cory found himself back in Guatemala, preparing to race the El Reto, a four-day stage event in the heart of the Central American nation. In the weeks leading up to the race, Cory was joined by Matt Clark of Stirl and Rae Media Haus in the hills above Xela, deep in the country’s western highlands.

Capturing the entirety of someone’s personality and interests is never easy, but Matt succeeded in portraying the essence of Cory on film. The Nomad gives us a great insight into Cory’s passions. We see Cory immersed in the local scene, connecting with the locals and riders, completely disconnected from the distractions we all face every day.

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