GODzone Adventure - Chapter 4

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The Last Team Is In – Godzone 2015 Comes to a Close

Rob Howard / 06.03.2015See All Event Posts Follow Event
Team One Square Meal
Team One Square Meal / © Rob Howard

Godzone 2015 came to a close just before midnight on Friday when the last team on the course rolled across  the finish line on their bikes.

Team One Square Meal were out on the course longer than any other team and their perseverance brought them 14th place overall, as the final full course team to finish.

The team of Sarah Fairmaid, Dwarne Farley, Gordon Blythen and Ross Rotherham had a tough final part of the race when they ran into problems at the orienteering stage, which took them a frustrating 19 hours to complete!

Then on the final ride back to Wanaka they faced a headwind much of the way and some cold conditions on the high ground. “It was snowing for a while back there,” said Rotherham when the team stopped for a while on Duffers Saddle.

There was a small group of friends, family and race volunteers to see the team arrive and punch the final checkpoint.  This included one of the Race Directors Adam Fairmaid who was there to give his wife a hug when she fininshed.  His co-Race Director Warren Bates was there too, and his wife also finished the full course on Team BNZ, so it was a real family affair.

With their arrival the race had closed a day early, as it was scheduled to continue tomorrow for any teams needing a bit more time to get around the course. The team were quickly ushered inside out of the cold wind and they were told they could have as many pies as they wanted!

They joined the race party which was winding down after a BBQ which was open to all teams and supporters throughout the afternoon and evening.  The impressive race trophies were all given out to the teams on the finish line so there will be no formal presentation dinner for Godzone.

Instead the last day of the race has been one long race social and the arrival of the last team just before midnight was a fitting end to the day and to a memorable race.


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