Cape Wrath Ultra

  • UK (GBR)
  • Off-Road Running

Cape Wrath Ultra - Day Two

23.05.2023See All Event Posts Follow Event

Day two of the 2023 Cape Wrath Ultra saw runners head into Knoydart, famed for its remoteness and presenting the first big challenge of the event. Competitors had to climb over mountain passes and tackle the infamous Scottish bogs during a 57km stage, with 1,559m of ascent. The leaders of both the men’s and women’s races extended their advantages over the rest of the fields. David Parrish was again the fastest runner on the day in 6:43:05, while Jo Meek moved up to fourth place overall. Fernando Alvarez retained second place, while Sam Hill moved up into third overall. The top three in the women’s race didn’t change.

David Parrish comments: “This is the longest run I've ever done. It's been boggy, rocky, but there have been some epic views. I wanted to go fast – I didn't want to take it slow, unless something happened like an injury.”

Jo Meek comments: "I loved it. It's been such a great day!"

After day two of the 2023 Cape Wrath Ultra, the leading runners are:


1st David Parrish (9:39:04)

2nd Fernando Alvarez (10:19:07)

3rd Sam Hill (11:01:41)


1st Jo Meek (11:07:32) – fourth overall

2nd Elaine Bisson (12:08:24)

3rd Jana Szczepaniak (12:29:37).

See All Stories On This Race

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